Public Area
D6.6 Effective Ways of Introducing eScience in Schools (Spanish)
The Spanish version of the deliverable D6.6.
[ download this file ]D6.6 Effective Ways of Introducing eScience in Schools (Portuguese)
The Portuguese version of the deliverable D6.6.
[ download this file ]D6.6 Effective Ways of Introducing eScience in Schools (Greek)
The Greek version of the deliverable D6.6.
[ download this file ]D6.6 Effective Ways of Introducing eScience in Schools (German)
The German version of the deliverable D6.6.
[ download this file ]D6.6 Effective Ways of Introducing eScience in Schools (French)
The french version of the deliverable D6.6.
[ download this file ]D6.6 Effective Ways of Introducing eScience in Schools (English)
This deliverable will offer a structured set of recommendations that will form the reference for a pan European roadmap for the introduction of eScience activities in schools.
[ download this file ]5th issue of the Discover the COSMOS Newsletter
This is the 5th and last issue of Newsletters of the "Discover the COSMOS" EU funded project.
In this issue you can have a concrete view about the Discover the COSMOS project's aims and tools, some leading stories from our partners' experiences and the Breakthrough News of the project!
[ download this file ]Discover the COSMOS poster (in Spanish)
The poster is in Spanish and will be presented during the bienial reunion of
the Spanish Physics Society (15-19/07/2013).
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4th issue of the Discover the COSMOS Newsletter
This is the 4th issue of Newsletters of the "Discover the COSMOS" EU funded project.
In this issue you can have a quick but concrete view about the Discover the COSMOS lead stories referring to: the International conference in Volos this summer, the inclusion of Discover the COSMOS project to the CERN communication about the societal benefits of research, the presentation of our project in CERN meeting at Brussels, other news, dissemination events and training workshops around EU, an article published in the Scientific American magazine presenting the combination of ART with physics and our Agenda of upcoming initiatives.
[ download this file ]3rd issue of the Discover the COSMOS Newsletter
This is the 3rd issue of Newsletters of the "Discover the COSMOS" EU funded project. In this issue you can have a quick but concrete view about the Discover the COSMOS lead stories including: news, contests, workshops, dissemination events and activities and our agenda of upcoming initiatives that our project partners and collaborators are elaborating throughout the life cycle of the project.
[ download this file ]2nd issue of the Discover the COSMOS Newsletter
This is the second issue of the Discover the COSMOS online Newsletter.
In this issue you can have a quick but concrete view about Discover the COSMOS 1st year successful elaboration, some lead stories of our project, Contests, Summer Schools and training events for teachers, Masterclasses and other events that have been elaborated throughout the life cycle of the project.
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Brochure of the training seminar in CY
"The Experiment of the century in Classroom", Cyprus (20/10/2012)
The brochure is in Greek only.
[ download this file ]1st issue of the Discover the COSMOS Newsletter
This is the first issue of the Discover the COSMOS online Newsletter.
It will be published every 3 months and you can find it either published on the Public Area of the Project's material here or in the Facebook page of Discover the COSMOS project by clicking on this link.
[ download this file ]Report about the CERN mini-exhibition visit in Greece
The report for the CERN Mini Expo in Greece (November 2011-June 2012) was prepared in the framework of the PATHWAY and Discover the COSMOS projects that are aiming to create effective links between research and school education.
[ download this file ]The new version of the "Discover the COSMOS" leaflet is online!
This is the second version of the "Discover the COSMOS" leaflet with information about the project and the activities that have already been implemented and the ones that will take place until September 2012.
[ download this file ]Discover the COSMOS leaflet
This is the "Discover the COSMOS" leaflet with information about the project and the activities that have already been implemented and the ones that will take place until September 2012.
[ download this file ]Discover the Cosmos poster
The Discover the Cosmos project poster.
e Infrastructures for an Engaging Science Classroom.
[ download this file ]CERN exhibition in Athens, Greece, leaflet
Here you can download the leaflet of the exhibition of CERN in Athens in November 2011 (10-27/11/2011) that took place in the Educational Organization: Ellinogermaniki Agogi.
The leaflet is only in Greek.
[ download this file ]MoCERN poster
The mobile ATLAS@CERN poster (in Greek).
Educational activities for mobiles.
CERN in your mobile!
[ download this file ]CERN exhibition in Athens, Educational Activities, leaflet
Here you can download the leaflet that has been created presenting the educational activities implemented via the experiments of CERN in the web during the exhibition that took place in Athens, (Ellinogermaniki Agogi, GR) in:10 - 27/11/2011 (in Greek).
[ download this file ]Discover the Cosmos leaflet in EDEN conference
Here you can download the leaflet that has been designed for the EDEN conference (EN).
[ download this file ]CERN exhibition in Heraklion, Crete, Greece
In Heraklion, Crete took place during the period: 12 - 27/ 03/ 2012 the exhibition of CERN.
Organizers of the event:
2nd High School,
Branch of the Union of Greek physists of East Crete
Research group of University of Crete
Municipality of Heraklion
The invitation for the launch of the exhibition is here and for the closing event here (in Greek).
Also to see some of the publications in the daily press click in the following links:
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