Explore our e-Science Apps

HYPATIA http://hypatia.phys.uoa.gr/
(Hybrid Pupil's Analysis Tool for Interactions in Atlas) is part of the ATLAS Student Event Challenge (ASEC), a contemporary educational project regarding Particle Physics. HYPATIA is focusing in high-school education and engages students to work with the most advanced techniques used by modern particle physics. It enables students obtain a better understanding of the interactions between fundamental particles of matter by studying ?events? detected by the ATLAS experiment. The deployment of such tools simplifies the teaching of physical principles and eliminates the idea that physics and Science in general is too complicated to understand.

MINERVA http://atlas-minerva.web.cern.ch/atlas-minerva/
is an interactive analysis tool for students to learn more about the ATLAS experiment. It is based on a simplified setup of the ATLAS event display, Atlantis, which allows users to visualise what is happening in the detector by using 2D animations. Minerva has currently developed two main scenarios of use which are both based on identifying particles produced from collisions. Students have the chance to get a glimpse of how scientific experiments are performed in particle physics and how new discoveries are made.

AMELIA http://amelia.sourceforge.net/index.html
is a 3D application with focus on particle physics processes in ATLAS. It allows students and other users to get acquainted with collision events that are produced within ATLAS, analyse their data and study the tracks of particles. AMELIA is the only tool that provides 3D representations of the collision events enabling students to see how particles are detected as they pass through. It allows the user to rotate, zoom and select virtual pieces of the ATLAS detector and events. Videos, animation, sound, interactive visualization and data analysis are integrated in a single framework, making AMELIA a very useful and effective tool in the hands of students.

SalsaJ http://www.euhou.net/
is a student-friendly astronomical images analysis tool. It works with FITS image format thus making it suitable for analyzing images from most professional telescopes. SalsaJ is designed to be easy to install and use. It allows students to display, analyse, and explore real astronomical images and other data in the same way that professional astronomers do, making the same kind of discoveries that lead to true excitement about science. SalsaJ is available in 25 European languages and it is widely used from teachers in many European countries.

LTImage http://www.schoolsobservatory.org.uk/astro/tels/ltimage
is a simplified image processing tool designed especially for students. It is developed by the National Schools? Observatory and it aims to facilitate educational activities that require analysis of image data from astronomical telescopes. LTImage works with FITS image format thus making it suitable for analyzing images from most professional telescopes.

The ?Sun for all? scientific archive
http://www.mat.uc.pt/sun4all/ includes over 30.000 Sun images captured the last 80 years. It aims to promote Science in general and astronomy in particular, among students. ?Sun for all? focuses on the exploration of the Sun?s properties by the students when using real scientific data and tools and thus implements the teaching of mathematics, sciences and elementary informatics.

The Discovery Space Portal www.discoveryspace.net
The portal offers access to 6 robotic telescopes seamlessly into one virtual observatory and provides the services required to operate this facility, including a scheduling service, tools for data manipulation and access to related educational materials. The portal gives students the opportunity to use remotely controlled telescopes in a real-time. In this way it enables students to increase their knowledge on astronomy, astrophysics, mathematics and other science subjects and improve their computer literacy while strengthening their critical thinking skills. Students are able to graphically view all quantities under study and the data correlations. The service has 1,100 registered users (teachers and students).

COSMOS Portal (www.cosmosportal.eu): The COSMOS portal is an experimental laboratory for students and teachers, aiming to improve science instruction by expanding the resources for teaching and learning in schools, providing more challenging and authentic learning experiences. The COSMOS Portal offers tools and templates that support teachers to design their own inquiry based activities using numerous resources (photos, videos, animations, exercises, graphs, links). Additional it offers tools for community building and collaboration. The COSMOS portal currently contains more than 100,000 Educational materials and Learning Activities, while it is frequently used from the 3,000 active registered teachers.

The Learning with ATLAS@CERN Portal (www.learningwithATLAS-portal.eu): The portal contains educational resources, such as access to near real-time data and interactive analysis tools (e.g. AMELIA, HYPATIA tools allow users to explore that ATLAS experiment in an intuitive way, which is much friendlier to students, http://atlas.ch/students.html), 3D and 2D animations of physical processes in a game like approach, teacher resources (e.g. professional development materials, lesson plans, projects and activities, http://teachers.web.cern.ch/teachers/), student-centred materials (e.g. data library, communication area, student?s magazines), applications for educational projects and collaborative activities.